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11 NGOs that Offer Education Jobs

Plan International

Founded in 1937, Plan International is a development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. Working with Children’s Rights from when children are born to when they reach adulthood, they aim ensure that children know their rights, and have the skills, knowledge and confidence to fulfil them.

One of the main focus areas for Plan International is education, working both directly with children, their families, communities, wider society and governments and also in education advocacy on local and international levels. Some of the focus issues for Plan International within education include girls’ education, inclusive education for children with disabilities and education in emergencies.

Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is an independent humanitarian organisation helping people forced to flee. They work in both new and protracted crises in more than 30 countries providing camp management, food assistance, clean water, shelter legal aid and education.

NRC works mainly in four thematic areas, education in acute emergencies, alternative and accelerated education, youth education and training and creating safe and inclusive learning environments. They work with both school-aged children from 6-18 years old, and youth between 15 and 24 years old to provide the opportunity to complete a full cycle of basic education. In addition, they also provide opportunities to young women and men for technical and vocational education and training, agricultural training, and tertiary educational opportunities. They also actively promote and support the inclusion of internally displaced peoples (IDP) and refugee children and youth in formal education systems.

World Learning

World Learning works to improve global education through ensuring schools and teachers have the tools they need to support students —including English language instruction. They provide a wide range of peer-to-peer exchanges—including youth programs, academic exchanges and professional exchanges to people from more than 150 countries around the world.

The Basic Education programming provided by World Learning is tailored to the country and context in which they are working and aims to strengthen four key stakeholders in the educational system, teachers, administrators, government and communities.


CARE is an international NGO founded in 1945 that aims to eradicate poverty around the world. They work in more than 90 countries on more than 950 different development and humanitarian aid programs that reach more than 50 million people. Their work in education focuses on providing educators with the knowledge and skills to improve the quality of education. Taking a holistic approach they also link the education programs to address reasons why children don’t attend school such as health, livelihoods and nutrition. CARE works directly with teachers and school staff as well as with communities, governments and partner organisations to cover all areas of basic education. In addition, they place an emphasis on the education of girls and the issues faced by girls around the world that prevent them from being able to access education.


Founded in 1995 Pratham is one of the largest Indian NGOs and has the aim to address gaps in the education system through high-quality, low-cost and replicable interventions. Originally focused on the slums of Mumbai the organisation expanded to reach many children and youth across the country and its methods and Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) programme are now being adapted to contexts and countries outside of India.

Pratham works from Early Childhood Education all the way through to Secondary Education and also works with Vocational Training and in Education Research and Advocacy.

The Advocates for Human Rights

The Advocates for Human Rights is an international NGO that was established with a vision of a world in which every person lives with freedom, justice, dignity, peace and equality. The organization investigates and exposes human rights abuses of marginalized groups such as immigrants, women, and refugees. It also uses advocacy, research and education to engage policy makers, public, and children to implement international human rights standards to reinforce the rule of law and promote civil society.

The Advocates for Human Rights develops educational tools to train and help people learn about and apply international human rights standards in their families, communities, schools and workplaces. Within its programs, this NGO provides a variety of toolkits and materials on human rights issues, as well as interactive tools such as online video games and films. The organization believes that education is one of the best ways to ensure improvements in respect for human rights everywhere.

The African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies

The African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies (ACDHRS) is a regional African NGO based in the Gambia. It was established in 1989 to promote the goals of the African Charter of Human and People’s Rights, as well as the universality of human rights set out in the International Bill of Human Rights. The main goal of this NGO is the promotion and protection of all human rights and democratic principles throughout Africa.

The ACDHRS implements research, training, documentation, information and education programs. It increases awareness in Africa of the international human rights procedures by organizing and conducting courses for activists and academics, as well as publishing papers on the UN procedures with an African focus. It also conducts training seminars and a review of human rights education in Africa.


Equitas is a Canadian based NGO that “advances equality, social justice and respect for human dignity through transformative human rights education programs in Canada and around the world”. The programs of this NGO contribute to the empowerment of groups and individuals who are affected by human rights violations and discrimination to act to ensure respect and protection of human rights.

Equitas implements the International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP), which is an internationally recognized intensive three weeks training program dedicated exclusively to building the capacity and skills of human rights educators. The IHRTP enables human rights educators to acquire practical tools to improve their work and deepen their understanding of human rights.

The Geneva Institute for Human Rights

The Geneva Institute for Human Rights is an NGO that provides training courses, conference sessions, workshops and seminars with a goal of raising awareness on human rights. It operates in the MENA region with a vision where all countries ensure the respect, protection, fulfilment and promotion of freedoms and rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights instruments.

Ever since it was founded in 2004, the organization conducts seminars, lectures as well as both international and national programs with a goal to spread knowledge of human rights in some of the most vulnerable countries in the Arab region. It educates a variety of actors such as police forces from different Arab countries, judges, lawyers, diplomats, social service departments, as well as national agencies, and both human rights governmental and non-governmental organizations.

Amnesty International

Amnesty International is one of the largest human rights NGO with over 2.2 million members in more than 150 countries committed to act to prevent and end human rights violations. Amnesty’s programs cover a broad spectrum of human rights issues and the organization undertakes research, advocacy, lobbying, campaigns and action to address them.

One of the programs of the organization also covers human rights education. Amnesty International is running its own Human Rights Academy, offers toolkits, in-person trainings and a big repertoire of educational resources in its directory.

Center on Human Rights Education

The Center on Human Rights Education (COHRE) is an NGO that works to contribute to universal recognition of all human rights through education and research, while putting an emphasis on economic, social, and cultural rights as set out in the UN International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ICESCR).

COHRE’s mission is to “strive to be the principal resource for the human rights community through education outreach”, while envisioning a world where human rights are protected and prioritized. COHRE organizes educational events focusing on the rights enshrined in the ICESCR and hosts an annual symposium that focuses on particular topics of human rights issues.

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Human Rights Careers

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