SOS Children’s Villages Internships

SOS Children’s Villages is an organization that aims to improve the lives of children and young people who are without parental care or at risk of losing it. They work with partners, donors, communities, children, young people, and families to help children develop the bonds they need to become their strongest selves. SOS Children’s Villages speaks up for the rights of each child and advocates for change to ensure that all children can grow up in a supportive environment. The organization defines children and young people without parental care as those growing up without the care of their families, such as those in residential or foster care or those living on the street. Those at risk of losing parental care are children and young people in families struggling to stay together and where parents are having difficulty providing the necessary care, stability, and connection.

SOS Children’s Villages International offers internships (usually for a time period of 6 months) in various fields. Find out more on the official website.

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