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Top 5 Websites to Find Feminist Jobs

It can be hard to find the right job. Sometimes, it can be hard to find any jobs. If you are searching for work that helps women and supports women’s rights around the world, where do you look? Here are the top five websites for finding feminist jobs:

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The Feminist Jobs Board

A project of the Feminist Majority Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting political, social, and economic equality for women, the Feminist Jobs Board gathers jobs that uphold that mission. It’s been going on for over 10 years, and has over 30,000 visitors every day. The board lets you search for jobs and internships, post jobs, and more. You can search by region and commitment (full-time, part-time, etc).


Specific to politics and advocacy, this organization was developed to ensure that people of color are active and listened to. While not exclusively for women, its mission does include women of color, who are discriminated against in employment in higher numbers than white women. Inclusv works with recent graduates looking for work in politics; campaigners who want to move up on the ladder; and political organizations intentionally looking for more diversity.


This unique website doesn’t only post jobs, it provides data on how specific companies and workplaces treat female employees. Using metrics like formal and “soft” policies; maternity leave and child care; management opportunities for women; and more, InHerSight helps women find the best companies to work for. Women use the site to review and rate their work experiences, and then get matched to jobs at companies that share their values.


This hub on Facebook is volunteer-run by anonymous admins and focuses on jobs in reproductive rights, health rights, and justice. The page posts open job positions and paid internships found through users and other websites, so it’s great resource if you hate scrolling through huge job sites with tags like “feminist.” If you really want a job that pays fairly and doesn’t support systems of oppression, ReproJobs is a great resource.


This portal, which sees over 1 million monthly visitors, is all about connecting people who want to do good (idealists, the site calls them) with opportunities to act out their values. Search for jobs, internships, and volunteering opportunities using tags like location, org type, and issue areas, which include food security, family, human rights, etc. You can also research specific organizations to see if they’re hiring.

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Human Rights Careers

Human Rights Careers (HRC) provides information about online courses, jobs, paid internships, masters degrees, scholarships and other opportunities in the human rights sector and related areas.

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